Saturday, June 7, 2008

Snuggle Party

Friday night was wonderful.

There were games with The Interests (I've decided to just call them A (the male interest) and T (the female interest)  for short.) and a few friends, which were great. There was also every intention to get to sleep on time.

But after gaming, I declared that it was snuggle party time, and A, T and I piled onto A & T's bed and snuggled. We cuddled together, chatting, laughing, and generally being affectionate. We even rotated positions so that we all took turns being in the middle, (T complained somewhat about this, but conceded that perhaps other people deserved to be in the middle as well.) and T made some wonderfully tantalizing comments about bondage. ("I have belts that I'm saving. Pesky cords can cut off circulation.") 

When I was being snuggled in the middle (OMGWTFBBQ SO NICE) things started becoming more focused on neck kissing and stuff that was generally oh-so-slightly more erotic than just snuggling. A kept tormenting me by lightly biting my earlobe, which he knows drives me nuts. When I complained about this to T, she responded that this was a new and exciting definition of the word 'torment,' which just sent shivers down my spine. (According to some people, when T says things like this, I flush five or so degrees warmer. I can only imagine that I did so at that time.) Getting my neck and ears kissed from both sides has got to be one of the more wonderful experiences I've ever had. At one point, having vaguely plotted to attack the sides of my neck simultaneously, they joked that this was not much of a surprise- that they should have run to grab some ice. I made some half-hearted 'oh woe is me' protest, and T promised to keep my mock objections in mind for the future. 

Entertainingly, when T and I originally started dating, A went out of his way to tell me that no, he was not interested in threesomes, thanks so very much. Which is fine. But he seemed to be having a mighty good time for someone who has no interest in threesomes, which I gave him a hard time about. (I think threesomes sound like a fabulous idea.)

A wanted me to stay over with the two of them- not in a sexual way, in a nice sleepy way. T wasn't really given enough warning to be prepared for this, so it didn't come to pass, but I'm hoping that it will in the near future.

I also told T that I love her- with no hope of a reciprocal response at this time, just because I'm bad at not saying things. When I mentioned to A that I felt this way, he sqeezed me tight and said "I'm glad I met you." This makes me smile just thinking about it.

(So then I biked home and even with all that, took forever to bring myself to orgasm. I think that my birth control is having sexual side effects, i.e. difficulty orgasming. This is unacceptable, as I approve highly of orgasms and like to have as many of them as possible. I'm making a doctor's appointment to change my pill.)

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