Monday, June 16, 2008


I went away for a few days earlier this week on a business trip. It was mostly boring, but somewhat obnoxious in the coworker department. I realized that I desperately missed being around what I was originally going to call 'sane people' but decided to re-term 'insane people,' as I felt that was more complimentary.

Additionally, A & T are going away to Europe for two weeks. Naturally, I am going to miss them. But that's not really the point. They were complaining about the nature of the vacation they're going on (they didn't really get to choose) and so we started talking about all of the far superior ideas that we had for vacations with our close group of friends. This includes the three of us, S, and B- what I've been thinking of for a little while now as my family, but have not really said anything about for fear of being too presumptuous.

During this discussion, I said something specifically detailing that it should be the five of us going on a more relaxing and fun vacation together, and T responded with something along the lines of "Yes, we need to just take the whole family and do...(something or other, not important.)"

The whole family.

My family.

It wasn't that I hadn't been thinking of them as my family until now, as I mentioned. It was getting confirmation that the people who I think of as family think of me the same way. With that, it became official: I have a family again. This makes me all kinds of happy, for all kinds of reasons.

Later, of course, it hit me that, given I haven't had a family in many ways since I was 10, I'd forgotten what it was like. This caused me to collapse into sobs on A & T's couch, thoroughly worrying and confusing them (sorry!). But they held me and comforted me and generally were family.

It's nice to have a family again.

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